Reference API
Page containing the full index of all React Native Firebase reference API types. All reference pages are automatically generated from the TypeScript ambient declaration files found in the GitHub repository.
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API | Type | Description |
analytics | interface | The Firebase Analytics service interface. |
AddPaymentInfoEventParameters | interface | |
AddShippingInfoEventParameters | interface | |
AddShippingInfoParameters | interface | |
AddToCartEventParameters | interface | |
AddToWishlistEventParameters | interface | |
AnalyticsCallOptions | interface | Additional options that can be passed to Analytics method calls such as logEvent. Web only. |
AnalyticsSettings | interface | Analytics instance initialization options. Web only. |
BeginCheckoutEventParameters | interface | |
CampaignDetailsEventParameters | interface | |
ConsentSettings | interface | Consent status settings for each consent type. For more information, see {@link | the GA4 reference documentation for consent state and consent types}. |
EarnVirtualCurrencyEventParameters | interface | |
EventParams | interface | Standard gtag.js event parameters. For more information, see the GA4 reference documentation. Web only. |
GenerateLeadEventParameters | interface | |
GtagConfigParams | interface | A set of common Google Analytics config settings recognized by gtag.js. Web only. |
Item | interface | |
JoinGroupEventParameters | interface | |
LevelEndEventParameters | interface | |
LevelStartEventParameters | interface | |
LevelUpEventParameters | interface | |
LoginEventParameters | interface | |
PostScoreEventParameters | interface | |
PurchaseEventParameters | interface | |
RefundEventParameters | interface | |
RemoveFromCartEventParameters | interface | |
ScreenViewParameters | interface | |
SearchEventParameters | interface | |
SelectContentEventParameters | interface | |
SelectItemEventParameters | interface | |
SelectPromotionEventParameters | interface | |
SettingsOptions | interface | Specifies custom options for your Firebase Analytics instance.
You must set these before initializing |
ShareEventParameters | interface | |
SignUpEventParameters | interface | |
SpendVirtualCurrencyEventParameters | interface | |
UnlockAchievementEventParameters | interface | |
ViewCartEventParameters | interface | |
ViewItemEventParameters | interface | |
ViewItemListEventParameters | interface | |
ViewPromotionEventParameters | interface | |
ViewSearchResultsParameters | interface |
API | Type | Description |
app-check | interface | The Firebase App Check service is available for the default app or a given app. |
AppCheckOptions | interface | Options for App Check initialization. |
AppCheckProvider | interface | An App Check provider. This can be either the built-in reCAPTCHA provider or a custom provider. For more on custom providers, see |
AppCheckToken | interface | The token returned from an |
AppCheckTokenResult | interface | Result returned by |
ReactNativeFirebaseAppCheckProvider | interface | |
ReactNativeFirebaseAppCheckProviderAndroidOptions | interface | |
ReactNativeFirebaseAppCheckProviderAppleOptions | interface | |
ReactNativeFirebaseAppCheckProviderOptions | interface | |
ReactNativeFirebaseAppCheckProviderWebOptions | interface |
API | Type | Description |
app-distribution | interface | The Firebase AppDistribution service interface. |
AppDistributionRelease | interface | The release information returned by the update check when a new version is available. |
API | Type | Description |
FactorId | enum | Identifies the type of a second factor. |
auth | interface | The Firebase Authentication service is available for the default app or a given app. |
ActionCodeInfo | interface | The interface returned from a |
ActionCodeInfoData | interface | Additional data returned from a |
ActionCodeSettings | interface | Options to be sent with requests such as |
ActionCodeSettingsAndroid | interface | Android specific options which can be attached to the |
ActionCodeSettingsIos | interface | iOS specific options which can be attached to the |
AdditionalUserInfo | interface | A structure containing additional user information from a federated identity provider via |
AuthCredential | interface | Interface that represents the credentials returned by an auth provider. Implementations specify the details about each auth provider's credential requirements. |
AuthProvider | interface | Interface that represents an auth provider. Implemented by other providers. |
AuthSettings | interface | Interface for module auth settings. |
ConfirmationResult | interface | A result from a |
EmailAuthProvider | interface | Email and password auth provider implementation. |
IdTokenResult | interface | Interface representing ID token result obtained from |
MultiFactor | interface | Holds information about the user's enrolled factors. |
MultiFactorAssertion | interface | |
MultiFactorInfo | interface | Contains information about a second factor. |
MultiFactorResolver | interface | Facilitates the recovery when a user needs to provide a second factor to sign-in. |
MultiFactorSession | interface | |
MultiFactorUser | interface | The entry point for most multi-factor operations. |
NativeFirebaseAuthError | interface | |
OIDCProvider | interface | Interface that represents an Open ID Connect auth provider. Implemented by other providers. |
PhoneAuthError | interface | A custom error in the event verifying a phone number failed. |
PhoneAuthListener | interface | The listener function returned from a |
PhoneAuthSnapshot | interface | A snapshot interface of the current phone auth state. |
PhoneAuthState | interface | |
PhoneMultiFactorEnrollInfoOptions | interface | |
PhoneMultiFactorGenerator | interface | |
PhoneMultiFactorSignInInfoOptions | interface | |
UpdateProfile | interface | Request used to update user profile information. |
User | interface | Represents a user's profile information in your Firebase project's user database. It also contains helper methods to change or retrieve profile information, as well as to manage that user's authentication state. |
UserCredential | interface | A structure containing a User, an AuthCredential, the operationType, and any additional user information that was returned from the identity provider. operationType could be 'signIn' for a sign-in operation, 'link' for a linking operation and 'reauthenticate' for a re-authentication operation. |
UserInfo | interface | Represents a collection of standard profile information for a user. Can be used to expose profile information returned by an identity provider, such as Google Sign-In or Facebook Login. |
UserMetadata | interface | Holds the user metadata for the current |
AuthListenerCallback | alias | An auth listener callback function for |
getMultiFactorResolver | alias | Try and obtain a # |
multiFactor | alias | Return the # |
API | Type | Description |
crashlytics | interface | The Firebase Crashlytics service interface. |
API | Type | Description |
database | interface | The Firebase Database service is available for the default app or a given app. |
DataSnapshot | interface | A |
OnDisconnect | interface | The |
Query | interface | A Query sorts and filters the data at a Database location so only a subset of the child data is included. This can be used to order a collection of data by some attribute (for example, height of dinosaurs) as well as to restrict a large list of items (for example, chat messages) down to a number suitable for synchronizing to the client. Queries are created by chaining together one or more of the filter methods defined here. |
Reference | interface | A Reference represents a specific location in your Database and can be used for reading or writing data to that Database location. |
ServerValue | interface | The ServerValue interface provides access to Firebase server values. |
TransactionResult | interface | |
EventType | alias | |
ThenableReference | alias |
API | Type | Description |
ShortLinkType | enum | ShortLinkType determines the type of dynamic short link which Firebase creates. Used when building
a new short link via |
dynamic-links | interface | The Firebase Dynamic DynamicLinks service is available for the default app only. |
DynamicLink | interface | A received Dynamic Link from either |
DynamicLinkAnalyticsParameters | interface | The DynamicLinkAnalyticsParameters interface provides functionality to add Google Analytic based parameters to a dynamic link. |
DynamicLinkAndroidParameters | interface | The DynamicLinkAndroidParameters interface provides functionality to configure the behaviour of dynamic links for Android devices. |
DynamicLinkIOSParameters | interface | The DynamicLinkIOSParameters interface provides functionality to configure the behaviour of dynamic links for iOS devices. |
DynamicLinkITunesParameters | interface | The DynamicLinkITunesParameters interface provides functionality to add iTunes Connect Analytics based parameters to the created dynamic link. |
DynamicLinkNavigationParameters | interface | The DynamicLinkNavigationParameters interface provides functionality to specify how the navigation of the created link is handled. |
DynamicLinkOtherPlatformParameters | interface | The DynamicLinkOtherPlatformParameters interface provides functionality to open a custom URL on platforms beside Android and iOS. This is useful to specify a different behavior on desktop, like displaying a full web page of the app content/payload (as specified by param link) with another dynamic link to install the app. |
DynamicLinkParameters | interface | The DynamicLinkParameters interface provides access to the Dynamic Link builder classes used to configure a created link. |
DynamicLinkSocialParameters | interface | The DynamicLinkSocialParameters interface provides functionality to add additional social meta-data to the URL. |
API | Type | Description |
AggregateField | interface | Represents an aggregation that can be performed by Firestore. |
Blob | interface | An immutable object representing an array of bytes. |
FieldPath | interface | A FieldPath refers to a field in a document. The path may consist of a single field name (referring to a top-level field in the document), or a list of field names (referring to a nested field in the document). |
FieldValue | interface | Sentinel values that can be used when writing document fields with |
GeoPoint | interface | An immutable object representing a geo point in Firestore. The geo point is represented as latitude/longitude pair. |
firestore | interface | The Firebase Cloud Firestore service is available for the default app or a given app. |
Timestamp | interface | A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone or calendar, represented as seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution in UTC Epoch time. |
AggregateQuery | interface | The results of requesting an aggregated query. |
AggregateQuerySnapshot | interface | The results of executing an aggregation query. |
AggregateSpec | interface | A type whose property values are all |
CollectionReference | interface | A |
DocumentChange | interface | A DocumentChange represents a change to the documents matching a query. It contains the document affected and the type of change that occurred. |
DocumentData | interface | A |
DocumentReference | interface | A |
DocumentSnapshot | interface | A DocumentSnapshot contains data read from a document in your Firestore database. The data can be extracted with
. |
Filter | interface | An instance of Filter used to generate Firestore Filter queries. |
FilterFunction | interface | The Filter functions used to generate an instance of Filter. |
GetOptions | interface | An options object that configures the behavior of get() calls on DocumentReference and Query. By providing a GetOptions object, these methods can be configured to fetch results only from the server, only from the local cache or attempt to fetch results from the server and fall back to the cache (which is the default). |
LoadBundleTaskProgress | interface | Represents a progress update or a final state from loading bundles. |
Query | interface | A Query refers to a |
QueryDocumentSnapshot | interface | A QueryDocumentSnapshot contains data read from a document in your Firestore database as part of a query. The document is guaranteed to exist and its data can be extracted with .data() or .get(:field) to get a specific field. |
QuerySnapshot | interface | A |
SetOptions | interface | An options object that configures the behavior of set() calls in |
Settings | interface | Specifies custom configurations for your Cloud Firestore instance. You must set these before invoking any other methods. |
SnapshotListenOptions | interface | An options object that can be passed to |
SnapshotMetadata | interface | Metadata about a snapshot, describing the state of the snapshot. |
Transaction | interface | A reference to a transaction. The |
WriteBatch | interface | A write batch, used to perform multiple writes as a single atomic unit. |
AggregateFieldType | alias | The union of all |
AggregateSpecData | alias | A type whose keys are taken from an |
DocumentChangeType | alias | The type of a DocumentChange may be 'added', 'removed', or 'modified'. |
DocumentFieldType | alias | The types for a DocumentSnapshot field that are supported by Firestore. |
SetValue | alias | Utility type to allow FieldValue and to allow Date in place of Timestamp objects. |
TaskState | alias | Represents the state of bundle loading tasks. |
WhereFilterOp | alias | Filter conditions in a |
API | Type | Description |
functions | interface | The Firebase Cloud Functions service is available for the default app, a given app or a specified region. |
HttpsCallable | interface | An HttpsCallable is a reference to a "callable" http trigger in Google Cloud Functions. |
HttpsCallableOptions | interface | An HttpsCallableOptions object that can be passed as the second argument to |
HttpsCallableResult | interface | An HttpsCallableResult wraps a single result from a function call. |
HttpsError | interface | An HttpsError wraps a single error from a function call. |
HttpsErrorCode | interface | The HttpsErrorCode interface provides access to all FunctionsErrorCode type aliases. |
FunctionsErrorCode | alias |
API | Type | Description |
in-app-messaging | interface | The Firebase In-App Messaging service interface. |
API | Type | Description |
installations | interface | The Firebase Installations service is available for the default app or a given app. |
API | Type | Description |
ml | interface |
API | Type | Description |
AuthorizationStatus | enum | An enum representing the notification authorization status for this app on the device. |
NotificationAndroidPriority | enum | The enum representing a notification priority. |
NotificationAndroidVisibility | enum | The enum representing the visibility of a notification. |
messaging | interface | The Firebase Messaging service interface. |
FcmOptions | interface | Options for features provided by the FCM SDK for Web. |
GetTokenOptions | interface | Options for |
IOSPermissions | interface | An interface representing all the available permissions that can be requested by your app via
the |
NativeTokenOptions | interface | Options for |
Notification | interface | |
NotificationIOSCriticalSound | interface | Represents a critical sound configuration that can be included in the
RemoteMessage | interface | The |
SendErrorEvent | interface | An event that is received when a message fails to send. |
NotificationPayload | alias | NotificationPayload is an alias for Notification. This is to keep it the same as Firebase Web JS SDK v9 and to make it backwards compatible. |
API | Type | Description |
HttpMetric | interface | Metric used to collect data for network requests/responses. A new instance must be used for every request/response. |
perf | interface | The Firebase Performance Monitoring service interface. |
ScreenTrace | interface | ScreenTrace allows you to record a custom screen rendering trace of slow and frozen frames. Throws on constructor if hardware acceleration is off or if Android is 9.0 or 9.1. |
Trace | interface | Trace allows you to time the beginning to end of a certain action in your app with additional metric values and attributes. |
HttpMethod | alias | Valid HTTP methods. |
API | Type | Description |
remote-config | interface | The Firebase Remote RemoteConfig service interface. |
ConfigDefaults | interface | Set default config values by updating |
ConfigSettings | interface | An Interface representing settable config settings. |
ConfigValue | interface | An Interface representing a RemoteConfig value. |
ConfigValues | interface | An Interface representing multiple RemoteConfig Values. |
LastFetchStatus | interface | A pseudo-enum for usage with ConfigSettingsRead.lastFetchStatus to determine the last fetch status. |
ValueSource | interface | A pseudo-enum for usage with ConfigValue.source to determine the value source. |
LastFetchStatusType | alias | The status of the latest Remote RemoteConfig fetch action. |
RemoteConfigLogLevel | alias | Defines levels of Remote Config logging. Web only. |
API | Type | Description |
storage | interface | The Cloud Storage service is available for the default app, a given app or a specific storage bucket. |
EmulatorMockTokenOptions | interface | Storage Emulator options. Web only. |
FullMetadata | interface | The full readable metadata returned by |
ListOptions | interface | The options |
ListResult | interface | Result returned by |
Reference | interface | Represents a reference to a Google Cloud Storage object in React Native Firebase. |
SettableMetadata | interface | An interface representing all the metadata properties that can be set. |
StringFormat | interface | Possible string formats used for uploading via |
Task | interface | Storage Task used for Uploading or Downloading files. |
TaskEvent | interface | An event to subscribe to that is triggered on a Upload or Download task. |
TaskResult | interface | Result returned from a non-resumable upload. |
TaskSnapshot | interface | A TaskSnapshot provides information about a storage tasks state. |
TaskSnapshotObserver | interface | The snapshot observer returned from a |
TaskState | interface | A collection of properties that indicates the current tasks state. |
API | Type | Description |
FirebaseModule | interface | A class that all React Native Firebase modules extend from to provide default behaviour. |
FirebaseApp | interface | |
FirebaseAppConfig | interface | |
FirebaseAppOptions | interface | |
app | interface | |
NativeFirebaseError | interface | |
FirebaseModuleWithStatics | alias | |
FirebaseModuleWithStaticsAndApp | alias | |
LogLevelString | alias |